Its been a while since I last updated the distinctive woodworking website: most of my content updates have been going to instagram at
If you’re here thanks to that marvellous advertisement in Ottawa at Home, and would like to know more about spice mills, read on, or use this link to discover how to get in touch:
My product is available for purchase in several locations:
The ottawa artisans store at St Laurent Mall,
Givopoly online here in Ottawa:
ETSY, and at several awesome artisan markets including 613Flea on Nov 20th, Ottawa Artisans Nov 20/21 at Carlingwood Mall, Nov 27/28 at the Glebe Community centre, and Nov 28th at the Kanata BIA market at the Holiday Inn in Kanata, and the final Ottawa Artisans online market Dec 18/19th at Carlingwood Mall
So: what’s new? I’m still making beautiful pens, both ball point (below) and fountain pens as well.

I’m teaching my autistic son to make beautiful spice mills: This helps him develop woodworking skills

Beautiful new pieces of furniture

So, get in touch, and lets talk about woodworking.